Participant Recruitment 101!


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One area of interest that has “risen to the top” for many of our NDPP colleagues is participant recruitment. Many wonder, “We have phenomenal coaches along with logistics, schedules, and locations lined up, BUT we need to build our roster(s)!” Remember, we at the State of Wellness recommend a goal of starting with a class of at least a dozen participants. In the event that “life happens”, i.e. moving, job changes, illness, etc, having a class of this size to start will provide a cushion if one or two participants drop out. You will still have a viable group dynamic! Crucial to a successful program.

Did you know the NDPP website recently updated and reorganized all of their materials? Let’s take a deeper dive into their  recruitment materials What a treasure chest!

“The new PreventT2 curriculum comes with ready-to-use and adaptable promotional materials, brochures, fact sheets, posters, web content and more resources that can be easily modified in order to add your organization’s logo and contact information.” Included, are many resources themed for various cultures!

Specifically, let’s look at The T2 Materials How to Guide Here, the CDC has developed guidance on how to use the wide variety of T2 branded materials to help your organization recruit participants for your local PreventT2 program. You will need to customize and print some of these materials; others are intended for use online.

The great news is that this guide is just the tip of the iceberg for NDPP recruitment resources. Dig deeper and you will discover resources for employers/insurers as well as those for healthcare professionals.

And remember….check out the State of Wellness Resources Page. Here you will find the NDPP resources needed to sustain and support your program! 
